"$2 billion dollars for yet another vacation, while our country struggles with debt," cried Joshuapundit. "We no longer have a president, but a clueless, uncaring Bourbon king...Louis XIV redux.""King George could never have imagined how good future kings would have it," said .... roy edroso. Schedual a follow up article when the cost is revealed.. in six months or so.. will ya? No need -- by then we'll have our hands full with the impeachment proceedings. ...
By Roy Edroso, Tue., Jun. 23 2009 @ 9:04AM. Categories: Advertising, Bricks and Mortar, Featured, The Money Trail. landlordgame.jpg As the Albany coup has pretty much killed the proposed new rent laws, and a Rent Guidelines Board hearing is set for tonight that will certainly not go the tenants' way, the group that represents landlords has seen fit to ... More About: Rent Guidelines Board ? Albany ? Bill De Blasio ? Rent Stabilization Association ? Real Estate Leasing ...
... to local property holders is that their $400 rebate checks, which mayor bloomberg had previously tried to hold back, were cleared by the mayor for deli... continue reading "council increases hotel, property taxes, restores some $">